Saturday, September 28, 2019

Week #5- Advertising, Promoting, and Publicity ft. Apple

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Knowing how to properly advertise and promote the products of any company could have positive effects on the sales and awareness both nationally and internationally. Having a good promotion, advertising, and publicity techniques are all factors that greatly contribute to the sales influence, and popularity that particular brand holds. One of the many companies that exemplify those three characteristics is Apple.

Image result for apple iphone 11, pro, pro max

Advertising is the actions of bringing a particular product or service to the attention both current and potential customers. It involves presenting that particular product or service and educating the customer on what new updates the product has and what makes it unique from all the other products or services they have to offer. In Apple's case, it would be the new iPhone 11, iPhone Pro, and iPhone Pro Max.

Promoting is also vital to demonstrate the success of marketing a particular service or product. Promoting a product is not the same as advertising a product, but they definitely go hand in hand. Promoting means to be able to keep a particular product or service in in the mind of its consumers and potential clients. It involved advertising to a population that will most likely consume that product or service and motivating them to purchase. In Apple's case, the main goal is to make current consumers upgrade their iPhone to the latest version, which would be the iPhone 11, Pro, and Pro Max. It also involves Apple giving those that are not avid Apple consumers a reason to change their phone to the latest iPhone.

Image result for iphone pro vs samsung note 10

Publicity is also important for a product to do well. It involves giving a particular product or service attention in order to create awareness through the media. By doing so the company can reach more potential consumers that will be aware of the product or service being released and therefore thinking about the product. in Apple's case, it would be posting announcements of new releases on their Instagram, YouTube, or any platform that they use.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week #4- Consumer Behavior in Marketing

Image result for consumer behavior in marketing

The main goal of marketing is not only to make sales and and to make a company or organization more well known, it is also used to spread awareness. Learning more about how the consumers, companies, and organizations think and feel can many times aid the impact the advertisement that is being marketed. It is important to under what the audience thinks and feels while also understanding their behavior and limitations.

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Being able to market anything involves being knowledgable on the consumer behavior to understand how to make an impact on them. Consumer behavior involves the study of how people or individuals acquire, use, experience, discard, and make decisions about goods, services, or even lifestyle practices that could interest that select population. Once that is understood it is easily to come up with a marketing  strategy that will introduce the new product or cause in a manner that it will produce positive feedback from the audience.

On top of analyzing and understanding consumer behavior, it is also vital to understand the behavior on the competitors and/or the organizations that will potentially be against what is being marketed. In order to asses what a competitor's potential threat might be, it is vital to examine the assets they might have versis the pressure they face as a result of the current market.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week #3- The Impact of in Store Visual Marketing

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Being able to have effective in-store marketing is vital for stores to be able to make more impulse sales throughout the course of the year. It is important for them to understand how the consumers act and think as they shop throughout the store in order to be able to capitalize off their trends. This could be as simple as putting markdowns in a visible area for consumers to see, putting grab-and-go products in a convenient area for those in a hurry, or putting items that do not have such a high demand lower on the shelved in order to promote items that do make plenty of sales throughout the year. 

Positioning the merchandise on the shelved and finding the ideal place in order for it to have the right amount of attention is difficult and takes times, especially if there are other similar competing products next to it. Know the patterns in which consumers shop, meaning put items you want to sell faster at their eye level or closer to their reach. It is also important to have a clean, unique design so that it is easier for the shopper to navigate through. Often times minimalistic designs tend to intrigue the shopper, similar to what Apple has in their stores.

Image result for apple store inside

Color is another way to grab the shopper's attention since it interrupts the same typical colors they see every time they shop in the aisle. By doing so it also draws the attention to that particular product and differentiates it from the rest. Using color to the business advantage can also be helpful since they could advertise weekly special similar to how Target does.

Image result for target weekly promotions in store

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week #2- Samsung's Marketing Strategies

Considering that Samsung has so much competition in the industry, it is not surprise that they need to constantly innovate their products to be much better with each release, but they also need to how to catch their buyers' attention. Considering that they have to constantly update their audience of new products as well as also try to attract potential new buyers that are loyal and currently own the competitors products. Considering that Samsung spent a total of 10.2 billion dollars on marketing along in 2016, which compared to 2015 was a 15% increase there would be a clear increase in sales over time through their marketing techniques.

It is because they market their products to two vital groups of people, the younger generations that always want the latest phone and the professionals that want to get the best out of their phone. Through observing their competitors products and analyzing what the pros and cons are, they can create an effective marking campaign in order to catch their potential customers' attention. For example, Samsung compares the performance  of one of their cell phone models to one of their biggest competitors, Apple. Not just did they talk about all the advantages that Samsung products have over their competitor, they as also have so much more to offer once the customer purchases their product while making the ad relatable to their customers' everyday life.

Samsung also makes the effort to keep up with their audience's interests by also being active users of social media. By doing so they engage in digital marketing to make their overall message be heard by the public, which is to switch and use their brand in order to have quality and productivity right at their fingertips.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Week #1- Marketing in Social Media

The increased use of social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter over the years have made it much easier for not just large companies to advertise their latest product, but also facilitated the exposure to new and smaller companies that want to put their product or service out their to the public. These companies strongly rely on paid ads from the app and paid sponsorships from influencers that have a significant amount of followers and are relevant to the population they are trying to reach in order to impact them. By doing so, the companies get the exposure they need in order to show the public what they have to offer and they also have more control of the audience they are trying to reach. 

Week #15- Creating a Portfolio on Weebly

For this week's blog post, the assignment was to create a Weebly website that served as a portfolio. I decided to showcase the blog...