Thursday, December 5, 2019

Week #15- Creating a Portfolio on Weebly

For this week's blog post, the assignment was to create a Weebly website that served as a portfolio. I decided to showcase the blog assignments by linking my blog account as well as show the marketing plan I had created earlier this semester for BH Cosmetics.

Week #14- Marketing Strategies to Fuel Both Personal and Business Growth

There is plenty of competition out there in the world. Small businesses have to compete with both small and large businesses that offer similar products or services as them with competitive pricing, better quality or simply they have been in business much longer. The same thing can be applied to individuals when they go out to seek for employment. For that reason, it is important to market yourself to not just the public, but also to businesses that may want to hire you. There are some strategies that both individuals and businesses can take in order to appeal and present the qualities that make them stand out from the crowd.

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Social media is incredibly important since it is where it is easier as a business to grab the attention of a certain population that may be attracted to your product or service. It is also a way to keep in touch and update your customers with anything that concerns your business.

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Another way to market what your business has to offer, making videos is another option. Often times people are in a hurry and they do not have the time to read about what you have to offer, so to adapt to your customer's lifestyle, it is easier to just make videos of what you have to offer and let the customer see and hear for themselves.

Week #15- Creating a Portfolio on Weebly

For this week's blog post, the assignment was to create a Weebly website that served as a portfolio. I decided to showcase the blog...